Am­gen hit with a set­back as Kypro­lis fails a key front­line tri­al for mul­ti­ple myelo­ma

Am­gen re­port­ed ear­ly Tues­day that Kypro­lis has failed a Phase III tri­al for front­line use against mul­ti­ple myelo­ma, a set­back that can on­ly fur­ther sharp­en the dis­ap­point­ment an­a­lysts have felt for this ther­a­py in light of weak sales.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors say that Kypro­lis com­bined with mel­pha­lan and pred­nisone es­sen­tial­ly matched a triple com­bo us­ing Take­da’s Vel­cade. The PFS for Kypro­lis was 22.3 months com­pared to 22.1 months for the Vel­cade arm.

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