Bio­gen hy­pes a fresh set of ear­ly, up­beat re­sults for Alzheimer’s drug

New da­ta from an ear­ly-stage study of Bio­gen’s Alzheimer’s drug ad­u­canum­ab has demon­strat­ed a clear im­pact on de­posits of amy­loid be­ta, the tox­ic tan­gles in the brain sus­pect­ed of trig­ger­ing the mem­o­ry-wast­ing ail­ment. And while they couldn’t pre­cise­ly prove it, the re­searchers spot­light­ed ad­di­tion­al ev­i­dence that the drug might al­so be slow­ing the steady cog­ni­tive de­cline of the peo­ple tak­ing the drug.

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