BioReg­num snap­shot: Who are the re­al in­sid­ers when it comes to health­care pol­i­cy?


The view from End­points

If you want a brief glimpse at the root cause of the quag­mire that health­care pol­i­cy rep­re­sents in the US, check out Mod­ern Health­care’s list of the 100 most in­flu­en­tial peo­ple in the in­dus­try.

Lists are al­ways sub­jec­tive dis­plays of a pub­li­ca­tion’s in­her­ent bias, and this one in­di­cates that Mod­ern Health­care’s at­ti­tudes have been shaped al­most en­tire­ly by the politi­cians, ad­min­is­tra­tion of­fi­cials, lob­by­ists and a few provider group chiefs who pop­u­late the in­sid­ers club – found al­most ex­clu­sive­ly in­side Wash­ing­ton D.C.’s belt­way.

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