Hori­zon snaps up rare dis­ease drugs, pipeline, in $800M Rap­tor buy­out

Hori­zon Phar­ma has bagged Rap­tor Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals $RPTP and a pair of rare dis­ease drugs on the mar­ket — along with a mul­ti-drug pipeline — in an $800 mil­lion cash deal. Hori­zon is pay­ing $9 a share for Rap­tor, which al­so has been pur­su­ing a trou­bled de­vel­op­ment path for a new drug for Hunt­ing­ton’s drug, now in a piv­otal tri­al.

Hori­zon $HZNP is look­ing for some quick re­turns on Rap­tor’s two ap­proved drugs, Pro­cys­bi and Quin­sair, used to treat a rare meta­bol­ic dis­or­der called nephro­path­ic cysti­nosis and chron­ic pul­monary in­fec­tions due to Pseudomonas aerug­i­nosa in adult pa­tients with cys­tic fi­bro­sis. Pro­cys­bi has U.S. and Eu­ro­pean ap­provals, while Quin­sair is OK’s in Eu­rope and Cana­da.

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