Dipex­i­um shares evis­cer­at­ed af­ter lead an­tibi­ot­ic flops on a full slate of PhI­II end­points

The mi­cro­cap biotech Dipex­i­um Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals $DPRX went pub­lic in 2014, promis­ing to ad­vance an im­por­tant new an­tibi­ot­ic cream in the clin­ic. But to­day, the lit­tle biotech was forced to con­cede that their lead pro­gram flopped bad­ly in two late-stage stud­ies, flunk­ing the pri­ma­ry as well as sec­ondary end­points.

Not on­ly was there no “mean­ing­ful dif­fer­ence” be­tween their an­tibi­ot­ic and stan­dard care for wound clo­sure rates among pa­tients with di­a­bet­ic foot ul­cers, it al­so wasn’t able to erad­i­cate bac­te­ria sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter. Adding in­sult to in­jury, the com­pa­ny added that “se­ri­ous ad­verse events with Locilex in­clud­ed high­er than an­tic­i­pat­ed os­teomyelitis and cel­luli­tis in the Locilex arm of each study.”

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