No­var­tis sac­ri­fices its top at­tor­ney in an at­tempt to quell clam­or over $1.2M in Co­hen pay­ments — while ex-CEO Jimenez strug­gles to ex­plain

BioReg­num — The view from John Car­roll

Faced with a grow­ing cri­sis over its $1.2 mil­lion in pay­ments to Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s per­son­al at­tor­ney Michael Co­hen, No­var­tis an­nounced ear­ly Wednes­day that the com­pa­ny’s top lawyer has abrupt­ly re­signed in hopes of bring­ing the whole tawdry af­fair to an end.

“Al­though the con­tract (with Co­hen) was legal­ly in or­der, it was an er­ror,” said Fe­lix Ehrat, group gen­er­al coun­sel of No­var­tis, in a state­ment. “As a co-sig­na­to­ry with our for­mer CEO, I take per­son­al re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to bring the pub­lic de­bate on this mat­ter to an end.”

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