The Zer­houni rule: “Every com­pa­ny that ac­quires a plat­form com­pa­ny kills it.”

Why Medi­va­tion makes the per­fect biotech takeover tar­get for Sanofi

Last Jan­u­ary at the J.P. Mor­gan con­fab, I had a chance to sit down with Sanofi R&D chief Dr. Elias Zer­houni. He made it clear up front he’s been fol­low­ing my writ­ing for some years. He even seemed to have en­joyed some of it — ex­cept for the parts in which I rou­tine­ly point­ed to Sanofi’s lack of in­ter­nal in­no­va­tion and a heavy re­liance on its de­vel­op­ment part­ners (es­pe­cial­ly Re­gen­eron) to ad­vance ma­jor new drugs.

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