Zucker­berg-Chan win some re­spect for $3B bio­med­ical project; As­traZeneca shut­ters an­oth­er US of­fice

  • In The Pipeline blog­ger Derek Lowe ridiculed Mi­crosoft’s lofty am­bi­tions to put its soft­ware to use to cure can­cer on the near hori­zon. But Mark Zucker­berg and Priscil­la Chan got a much warmer re­sponse from the tart-tongued writer for their $3 bil­lion stab at mak­ing some re­al progress in bio­med­ical re­search. There’s a new hub ini­tia­tive in place for the Bay Area’s big three aca­d­e­m­ic cen­ters: Stan­ford, UCSF and Berke­ley. And a spe­cial fo­cus on cell-cell in­ter­ac­tions. Ku­dos, says Lowe: “I think that these are per­fect­ly good things to be spend­ing mon­ey on – half blue-sky tool project and half ap­plied and ther­a­py-di­rect­ed.”
  • As­traZeneca has been mak­ing a lot of al­ter­ations to its U.S. op­er­a­tions since an­nounc­ing an ef­fi­cien­cy ef­fort ear­li­er in the year. This time the tar­get is its Fort Wash­ing­ton, PA of­fice, which is be­ing shut down. The Philadel­phia In­quir­er re­ports that the com­pa­ny filed a no­tice with the state on the move, which af­fects 134 staffers. The com­pa­ny is of­fer­ing sev­er­ance to cer­tain em­ploy­ees who can’t make the com­mute to their head­quar­ters fa­cil­i­ty in Delaware.
  • Durham, NC-based No­van on­ly man­aged to price its IPO at the low end of the range, but its stock quick­ly spiked 65% on the day, mak­ing this a suc­cess­ful de­but. The biotech has a lead ther­a­py for ac­ne.
  • As­traZeneca is pulling an ap­pli­ca­tion to mar­ket cedi­ranib for ovar­i­an can­cer.
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