A top an­a­lyst sees Pfiz­er and Mod­er­na seiz­ing a $38B prize as safe­ty frets side­line glob­al vac­cine play­ers

While the wran­gling over the rel­a­tive safe­ty of new, vi­ral­ly vec­tored Covid vac­cines from J&J and As­traZeneca ap­pears to be un­end­ing, an­a­lysts aren’t wait­ing around to see how the mar­ket will play out for the lead­ers.

As far as Bern­stein’s Ron­ny Gal is con­cerned, the fight for mar­ket share in the de­vel­oped world is over, and Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech and Mod­er­na are the big win­ners, divvy­ing up $38 bil­lion in mega-block­buster mon­ey.

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