Tillman Gerngross, Adagio CEO

Ada­gio of­fers first peek at Covid-19 an­ti­body da­ta, with pre­ven­ta­tive num­bers that may ri­val mR­NA vac­cines

Till­man Gern­gross cer­tain­ly wasn’t the first to tack­le Covid-19 an­ti­bod­ies, but he has rea­son to be­lieve he and his team at Ada­gio could be the best. Now, we’re get­ting a first peek at hu­man pre­ven­ta­tive da­ta for Ada­gio’s lead an­ti­body, and it looks up to par with the best of the vac­cines.

Now, Ada­gio is churn­ing out ear­ly da­ta from that Phase I test show­ing a sin­gle dose of an­ti­body ADG20 of­fered broad­ly neu­tral­iz­ing ac­tiv­i­ty in healthy vol­un­teers com­pa­ra­ble to peak titers re­port­ed from the mR­NA vac­cines and could of­fer pro­tec­tion for up to 12 months, the biotech said Wednes­day. There were no hard num­bers im­me­di­ate­ly avail­able.

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