Af­ter pa­tient deaths, failed part­ner­ships and a stock scan­dal, Han­mi fi­nal­ly gives up on con­tro­ver­sial ol­mu­tinib. What did we learn?

The ol­mu­tinib de­vel­op­ment pro­gram is fi­nal­ly dead.

South Ko­rea’s Han­mi has de­ter­mined that the drug —  once part­nered with Boehringer In­gel­heim and Zai Lab — is no longer com­mer­cial­ly vi­able. The drug was seen as more or less equiv­a­lent to As­traZeneca’s Tagris­so, ac­cord­ing to Han­mi. So they’ve opt­ed to punt the late-stage tri­al and shelve it once and for all.

“We will thor­ough­ly re­view the plan, putting pa­tients’ safe­ty first and fore­most,” Ko­rea’s health min­istry said in a state­ment, ac­cord­ing to Ko­rea Bio­med­ical Re­view. “We will al­so do our ut­most to make sure that pa­tients who are tak­ing the med­ica­tion will not face any dif­fi­cul­ty in their treat­ment.”

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