John Carroll with David Chang, Allogene CEO (Credit: Jeff Rumans Photography)

Al­lo­gene takes the stage in New York to go deep on its off-the-shelf cell ther­a­pies — de­clar­ing a first for sol­id tu­mors

NEW YORK — In most cas­es, a biotech like Al­lo­gene would wait un­til the next big sci­ence con­fer­ence to of­fer its lat­est se­ries of snap­shots of its da­ta. But most biotechs aren’t like Al­lo­gene, where the vet­er­an lead­ers from Kite gar­nered a sub­stan­tial num­ber of ku­dos over the years for their in-depth re­views of the com­pa­ny’s progress.

So on Tues­day, the lead­ers at Al­lo­gene con­verged on Man­hat­tan once again to give a de­tailed break­down of their lat­est steps for­ward, look­ing to stay out front in the busy off-the-shelf cell ther­a­py are­na, keep a clean bill of health on the safe­ty front and prove that they can not on­ly match the au­tol­o­gous pi­o­neers they helped cre­ate but make the all-im­por­tant leap in­to sol­id tu­mors. It’s an­oth­er step for­ward in a jour­ney that has a long way to go be­fore even the first big reg­u­la­to­ry fin­ish lines ap­pear on the track. But for CEO David Chang, who spent some time with me run­ning through the da­ta ahead of the Tues­day ses­sion, it all amounts to for­ward mo­men­tum to­ward the de­sired goal.

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