Bob Bradway, Amgen CEO (Stephen Lam/Reuters)

Am­gen bows out of PhI­Ib tri­als test­ing bis­pe­cif­ic, fu­sion pro­tein for lu­pus

In a set­back to the grow­ing field of sys­temic lu­pus ery­the­mato­sus drug de­vel­op­ment, Am­gen is bow­ing out of two Phase IIb tri­als af­ter de­cid­ing its can­di­dates were un­like­ly to work.

Both tri­als, in­volv­ing two dif­fer­ent mol­e­cules, were stopped for fu­til­i­ty, Am­gen dis­closed in its quar­ter­ly re­port. Roz­iba­fusp al­fa (AMG 570) is an an­ti­body-pep­tide con­ju­gate that tar­gets in­ducible T cell cos­tim­u­la­tor lig­and (ICOSL) and B-cell ac­ti­vat­ing fac­tor (BAFF) in hopes of hit­ting both im­mune cell pop­u­la­tions; efavaleukin al­fa is an in­ter­leukin-2 (IL-2) mutein Fc fu­sion pro­tein.

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