Reshma Kewalramani, Vertex CEO (Barry Chin/Boston Globe via Getty Images)

An­oth­er big Ver­tex chal­lenger suf­fers a TKO. And that will cause some prob­lems for the CF champ

You al­most have to feel sor­ry for the R&D groups that try to chal­lenge Ver­tex’s $10 bil­lion cys­tic fi­bro­sis fran­chise. Even if it’s a quite ca­pa­ble mar­ket brawler like Ab­b­Vie.

Yes­ter­day, Ab­b­Vie R&D chief Tom Hud­son shrugged off a ma­jor set­back for the com­pa­ny, not­ing that its mid-stage CF triple had failed an in­ter­im re­view “and we are dis­con­tin­u­ing our cys­tic fi­bro­sis pro­gram.”

Af­ter an ear­li­er fail­ure, this one is ka­put.

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