Joseph Payne, Arcturus CEO

Arc­turus slides on PhI­II Covid-19 vac­cine da­ta, sig­ni­fy­ing the strug­gle in pro­duc­ing fol­low-up shots

As Covid-19 vac­cine de­mand sags in the US with on­ly about a third of adults hav­ing re­ceived their first boost­er shot, new da­ta just don’t get in­vestors ex­cit­ed the way they used to.

The lat­est ex­am­ple is Arc­turus Ther­a­peu­tics, which tout­ed re­sults from a “Phase I/II/III study” ear­ly Wednes­day say­ing its self-am­pli­fy­ing mR­NA vac­cine proved 55% ef­fec­tive at stop­ping symp­to­matic Covid-19 in­fec­tion and 95% ef­fec­tive at pre­vent­ing se­vere dis­ease. With the lat­ter num­bers reach­ing sim­i­lar lev­els to those of al­ready-au­tho­rized shots, Arc­turus was like­ly hop­ing it could gen­er­ate some ex­cite­ment to push its pro­gram for­ward.

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