As a new study spot­lights a grow­ing role for LRRK2 in Parkin­son’s, De­nali clears an ear­ly tri­al hur­dle

Hard on the heels of new re­search that points to a much wider role for LRRK2 in Parkin­son’s dis­ease than had ear­li­er been be­lieved, in­ves­ti­ga­tors at De­nali say they were able to nail down some hard — though still very ear­ly — clin­i­cal da­ta to back up their lead ef­fort in the field.

The biotech, run by a crew of ex-Genen­tech re­searchers out to blaze some new trails in the dis­as­ter-prone neu­rode­gen­er­a­tion field, has fo­cused heav­i­ly on the ge­net­ic trig­gers be­lieved to play a role in Parkin­son’s and Alzheimer’s. In a Phase I study, they out­lined ev­i­dence that DNL201, a small mol­e­cule in­hibitor of leucine-rich re­peat ki­nase 2, hit the bio­mark­ers they were aim­ing at as they ze­ro in on the ide­al dose for more ad­vanced hu­man stud­ies. And that builds on ear­li­er work demon­strat­ing their drug’s abil­i­ty to tamp down on the pro­tein in healthy vol­un­teers.

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