#AS­CO19: Am­gen shows off their lat­est BC­MA BiTE up­date with plans to hus­tle ahead as ri­vals jos­tle for po­si­tion

CHICA­GO — Am­gen’s R&D team is quite proud of their pro­gram for AMG 420, a BC­MA-tar­get­ed bis­pe­cif­ic T cell en­gager they plan to hus­tle through piv­otal stud­ies in search of an ac­cel­er­at­ed OK by the FDA. And the whole BiTE plat­form is be­ing de­vel­oped as an av­enue to great­ly ex­pand their pres­ence in the on­col­o­gy mar­ket.

The phar­ma gi­ant was on hand at AS­CO to of­fer the lat­est up­date — a com­mon theme at the meet­ing this year — on ‘420, while shar­ing the lime­light with some of the rest of the BiTEs now work­ing their way up the pipeline.

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