#AS­CO21: Watch out Bris­tol My­ers, J&J is back at AS­CO with some com­pet­i­tive BC­MA CAR-T da­ta

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb and blue­bird beat John­son & John­son to mar­ket back in March with their BC­MA CAR-T drug, Abec­ma, for heav­i­ly pre-treat­ed mul­ti­ple myelo­ma pa­tients. But watch out: J&J and their part­ners at Leg­end Biotech are now head­ing to AS­CO with up­dat­ed da­ta that could give Abec­ma a run for its mon­ey.

A longer-term fol­low-up from the Phase Ib por­tion of a Phase Ib/II tri­al shows that all pa­tients re­spond­ed to J&J’s JNJ-4528, 86% of whom achieved a strin­gent com­plete re­sponse at a me­di­an of 11.5 months. In Phase II, there was a 95% over­all re­sponse rate as of the Feb­ru­ary da­ta cut­off, with a 75% strin­gent com­plete re­sponse, the com­pa­ny said Fri­day.  The da­ta are part of the pack­age J&J is sub­mit­ting in rolling ap­pli­ca­tions for ap­provals in Eu­rope and the US.

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