Photo: Assistant editor Kyle LaHucik for Endpoints News

#ASH22: Re­gen­eron claims it has set a 'new bench­mark' in fol­lic­u­lar lym­phoma

NEW OR­LEANS — Re­gen­eron gave re­searchers a first look at in­ter­im re­sults from its Phase II study of a CD20xCD3 bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body in pa­tients with re­lapsed/re­frac­to­ry fol­lic­u­lar lym­phoma, with a planned reg­u­la­to­ry fil­ing on tap for next year as it seeks to catch up with ri­val Roche.

Tri­al in­ves­ti­ga­tors said 81.8% of 121 pa­tients with the dis­ease re­spond­ed to Re­gen­eron’s drug odronex­tam­ab, and that 75.2% had a com­plete re­sponse as of the Sept. 15 da­ta cut­off. Me­di­an du­ra­tion of re­sponse and me­di­an du­ra­tion of com­plete re­sponse were both 20.5 months, with me­di­an pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival of 20.2 months, ac­cord­ing to a Mon­day af­ter­noon pre­sen­ta­tion at the an­nu­al Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Hema­tol­ogy con­fer­ence.

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