As­traZeneca and Avil­lion win ap­proval for new asth­ma res­cue treat­ment in adults

As­traZeneca and Avil­lion un­sur­pris­ing­ly pulled a win on Wednes­day for Air­supra in adults, months af­ter an FDA ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly in sup­port of the new asth­ma res­cue treat­ment.

How­ev­er, the part­ners weren’t able to se­cure a nod in ado­les­cents and kids.

Air­supra, for­mer­ly known as PT027, is an in­haler com­bin­ing the two ex­ist­ing com­pounds al­buterol, a short-act­ing be­ta2-ag­o­nist (SA­BA), and budes­onide, an in­haled cor­ti­cos­teroid (ICS). While asth­ma pa­tients pre­vi­ous­ly had op­tions that con­tained ei­ther a SA­BA or an ICS, there were none that com­bined both com­po­nents for a bron­chodila­to­ry and an­ti-in­flam­ma­to­ry ef­fect.

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