Susan Galbraith, AstraZeneca EVP, oncology R&D, at EUBIO22 (Rachel Kiki for Endpoints News)

As­traZeneca snips IL-12 can­di­date from pipeline as it sharp­ens I/O fo­cus

Tip­ping its hand as part of its quar­ter­ly R&D up­date, As­traZeneca re­port­ed it has dropped two ear­ly-stage can­cer drugs and a mid-stage can­di­date for chron­ic ob­struc­tive pul­monary dis­ease, while al­so ditch­ing some tri­als for Fasen­ra and an ex­per­i­men­tal IL-33 an­ti­body.

The de­ci­sion to dis­card an IL-12 ther­a­py that works by de­liv­er­ing an IL-12 trans­gene with­in an on­colyt­ic virus comes just days af­ter Bris­tol My­ers Squibb an­nounced it’s hand­ing back an IL-12 can­di­date to Drag­on­fly. But ac­cord­ing to As­traZeneca, it’s all about pri­or­i­tiz­ing the pipeline.

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