Bernie Sanders, AP Images

Bernie Sanders goes af­ter Bio­Mar­in's shot at a record drug price, threat­en­ing to break the patent

Bioreg­num Opin­ion Col­umn by John Car­roll

Last week at JP Mor­gan, Bio­Marin CEO JJ Bi­en­aimé laid out his thoughts on pric­ing the lead­ing gene ther­a­py for he­mo­phil­ia A at $2 mil­lion to $3 mil­lion a shot. Pay­ers would sup­port that, he said, putting the biotech on track to launch­ing a treat­ment that could top the price of No­var­tis’s $2.1 mil­lion gene ther­a­py for spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy.

And with that, he earned some high-lev­el at­ten­tion from a would-be pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States.

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Viridian Therapeutics

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