BioFron­tera bows bold im­agery web­sites amid Q1 sales gains in der­ma­tol­ogy

Sharks lurk­ing un­der the skin and gri­mac­ing im­peti­go le­sions are the strik­ing im­ages top­ping BioFron­tera’s new and re­vamped web­sites for its flag­ship brands Ameluz and Xepi, re­spec­tive­ly.

The skin spe­cial­ist bio­phar­ma’s Ameluz site is its first aimed at pa­tients while the Xepi re­vamp ex­pands in­for­ma­tion and re­sources for both pa­tients and physi­cians in the now one-stop site.

Ameluz is a gel used in pho­to­dy­nam­ic ther­a­py along with a spe­cial­ized lamp to treat ac­tinic ker­ato­sis (AK) le­sions on the face and scalp. AK, al­so called so­lar ker­ato­sis, is a type of pre-can­cer that if un­treat­ed can de­vel­op in­to squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma. The shark-shaped pro­tru­sions ap­pear on the scalp of a man who al­so has le­sions on the new Ameluz page un­der the head­line “When dan­ger lurks be­low the sur­face.”

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