Black­stone antes $250M on its first big biotech bet, fo­cused on a car­dio drug spun out of No­var­tis

Five months af­ter Black­stone bought out Clarus with a plan to dive deep in­to the life sci­ences field, the glob­al pri­vate eq­ui­ty play­er has lined up its first big bet.

Black­stone teamed with No­var­tis to launch a new car­dio biotech — Cam­bridge, MA-based An­thos Ther­a­peu­tics — that will be helmed by one of the phar­ma gi­ant’s for­mer ex­ecs and backed with a mon­ster $250 mil­lion launch round.

No­var­tis is spin­ning out an an­ti­co­ag­u­lant dubbed MAA868, an an­ti­body di­rect­ed at Fac­tor XI and XIa and tar­get­ed at the “in­trin­sic co­ag­u­la­tion path­way.” Black­stone Life Sci­ences is pro­vid­ing the cash and is lay­ing out the strat­e­gy, with a plan to tack­le throm­bot­ic dis­or­ders. No­var­tis is ex­chang­ing a mi­nor­i­ty eq­ui­ty in­ter­est in the start­up for rights to the drug — an in­creas­ing­ly pop­u­lar gam­bit for big phar­mas, which of­ten finds them­selves with more pro­grams than they can bud­get for. 

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