Broad­en­ing its on­col­o­gy fo­cus, In­novent adds three In­cyte drugs to port­fo­lio for $40M cash

Buoyed by promis­ing Phase III da­ta on its PD-1 part­nered with Eli Lil­ly $LLY, In­novent Bi­o­log­ics is mak­ing an­oth­er ap­pear­ance on the glob­al deal­mak­ing scene — this time with In­cyte $IN­CY.

In­novent is bet­ting on three dis­tinct can­di­dates in In­cyte’s pipeline: itac­i­tinib (JAK1 in­hibitor), pemi­ga­tinib (FGFR1/2/3 in­hibitor) and parsaclis­ib (PI3Kδ in­hibitor). Itac­i­tinib is a Phase III treat­ment for graft-ver­sus-host dis­ease, where­as the oth­er two are un­der­go­ing mid-stage stud­ies. In­novent bagged the Chi­na rights to all three as­sets for $40 mil­lion in cash.

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