Can GSK’s new R&D strat­e­gy re­sus­ci­tate the worst per­former in Big Phar­ma?

The view from John Car­roll

The new phar­ma chief at GSK is lay­ing out their new pipeline game plan, which should be­gin in earnest once Hal Bar­ron ar­rives to take over R&D.

In an in­ter­view with Reuters, Luke Miels out­lined plans to rev up a dor­mant busi­ness de­vel­op­ment op­er­a­tion $GSK, jump­ing off the side­lines to start li­cens­ing in ear­ly-stage drugs in can­cer and im­munol­o­gy.

The ini­tial pipeline fo­cus at GSK will cen­ter on its BC­MA-tar­get­ing mul­ti­ple myelo­ma pro­gram, NY-ESO — part­nered with Adap­ti­m­mune — and ICOS. This will play out as the com­pa­ny launch­es its new shin­gles vac­cine, an HIV drug wide­ly tapped as a block­buster and its lat­est three-in-one in­haler Trel­e­gy.

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