Clin­i­cal tri­al dis­rup­tor Sci­ence 37 in talks with Soft­Bank on a $150M in­vest­ment — Re­code

Just a few months af­ter phar­ma gi­ant No­var­tis part­nered up with Sci­ence 37 on its vir­tu­al ap­proach to clin­i­cal tri­al work, Re­code re­ports that the would-be CRO dis­rup­tor is in talks with Soft­Bank ex­ecs on a $150 mil­lion in­vest­ment.

Soft­Bank, which pro­vid­ed Roivant chief Vivek Ra­maswamy with more than a bil­lion dol­lars to in­vest in biotech, ev­i­dent­ly has been drawn to Sci­ence 37’s promise that it can ef­fi­cient­ly and ef­fec­tive­ly re­cruit pa­tients for clin­i­cal tri­als with­out forc­ing them in­to a tri­al site. Us­ing new telemed­i­cine tech, they say they can ac­cu­mu­late clean datasets to show whether or not new drugs are work­ing — hop­ing to dis­rupt the big play­ers who now dom­i­nate the CRO world.

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