Sean McCarthy, CytomX CEO

Cy­tomX halts lead pro­gram and will seek a part­ner as breast can­cer drug dis­ap­points

Mixed Phase II re­sults are forc­ing Cy­tomX to slam the brakes on one of its lead can­cer drugs — un­less it can con­vince a part­ner to help take it fur­ther.

The da­ta come from a study of praluzatam­ab rav­tan­sine, Cy­tomX’s take on a CD166-tar­get­ing an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate, in breast can­cer that com­prised three sep­a­rate arms: Arm A fo­cused on hor­mone re­cep­tor-pos­i­tive, HER2-non-am­pli­fied pa­tients; Arm B and C both re­cruit­ed pa­tients with triple-neg­a­tive breast can­cer, but the for­mer test­ed the drug as a monother­a­py and Arm C gave it in com­bi­na­tion with an in-house an­ti-PD-L1 drug dubbed pacmil­imab.

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