Dear Bernie: Cat­a­lyst CEO McE­nany de­fends his $375,000 price tag on an old drug once of­fered for free

Now that Cat­a­lyst has tak­en cen­ter stage as this quar­ter’s most fre­quent­ly pil­lo­ried price gouger, the com­pa­ny $CPRX is try­ing to take a stand in de­fense of the $375,000 an­nu­al price tag it has slapped on its new­ly ap­proved drug Fir­dapse.

Just ahead of his new­ly an­nounced sec­ond run for the pres­i­den­cy, Ver­mont Sen­a­tor Bernie Sanders called out Cat­a­lyst for “fleec­ing” tax­pay­ers, the “im­moral ex­ploita­tion of pa­tients” and high­light­ed the is­sue as yet an­oth­er ex­am­ple of a drug com­pa­ny’s “cor­po­rate greed.”  And some pa­tients have com­plained bit­ter­ly that they couldn’t af­ford the drug now, once hand­ed out for free to many of the peo­ple who suf­fer from the rare au­toim­mune dis­ease Lam­bert-Eaton myas­thenic syn­drome, or LEMS.

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