Di­a­betes gi­ant No­vo said to con­sid­er up to 3,000 lay­offs as US pric­ing storms gath­er: re­port

“Un­cer­tain and un­pre­dictable mar­kets” are forc­ing No­vo Nordisk to con­sid­er drop­ping its longterm fi­nan­cial tar­get and cut­ting 3,000 jobs from its glob­al work­force, ac­cord­ing to a lo­cal me­dia re­port.

Bors­en, a Dan­ish busi­ness news­pa­per, cit­ed anony­mous sources in re­port­ing that the gi­ant di­a­betes drug­mak­er plans to un­veil its cost-cut­ting pack­age along­side sec­ond quar­ter re­sults in Au­gust. Ac­cord­ing to the sources, the plan would in­clude an ad­just­ment of its growth fore­cast, which No­vo put at 5% as re­cent­ly as May.

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