Drew Arm­strong is com­ing to End­points(!) And there are some more sur­pris­es to come

There are a few big days to re­call in the six-year his­to­ry of End­points News. (Ac­tu­al­ly, six years, four months and 12 days, but who’s count­ing.)

One was a sit-down I had with Ar­salan Arif in New York a few weeks be­fore the launch, when we agreed to some ba­sic val­ues for what we were go­ing to do. That con­ver­sa­tion is a reg­u­lar touch­stone for us. We com­mit­ted to be­ing hon­est with each oth­er and the staff. We’d give it every­thing we had, and we would con­duct our­selves in­de­pen­dent­ly and with in­tegri­ty.

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