Eli Lil­ly ush­ers up-and-com­ing GIP/GLP-1 drug in­to PhI­II as No­vo Nordisk ri­val wows with im­pres­sive re­sults

With No­vo Nordisk’s GLP-1 drug Ozem­pic (semaglu­tide) on its tail, Eli Lil­ly has round­ed up some mid-stage da­ta to show it has the right can­di­date to fol­low on Trulic­i­ty’s block­buster suc­cess in the com­pet­i­tive di­a­betes mar­ket.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors re­port that LY3298176, a dual GIP and GLP-1 re­cep­tor ag­o­nist, out­per­formed both place­bo and Trulic­i­ty (du­laglu­tide) in terms of blood sug­ar re­duc­tion and weight loss for pat­ints with type 2 di­a­betes. And while cross-tri­al com­par­isons al­ways war­rant cau­tion, the drug ap­pears to of­fer a siz­able ad­di­tion­al ef­fect over GLP monother­a­pies.

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