#ES­MO20: Push­ing in­to front­line, Mer­ck and Bris­tol My­ers duke it out with new slate of GI can­cer da­ta

Hav­ing worked in par­al­lel for years to move their re­spec­tive PD-1 in­hibitors up to the first-line treat­ment of gas­troin­testi­nal can­cers, Mer­ck and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb fi­nal­ly have the da­ta at ES­MO for a show­down.

Com­par­ing KEYNOTE-590 and Check­Mate-649, of course, comes with the usu­al caveats. But a side-by-side look at the over­all sur­vival num­bers al­so of­fer some per­spec­tive on a new fron­tier for the reign­ing check­point ri­vals, both of whom are claim­ing to have achieved a first.

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