Evo­lus touts equal ef­fi­ca­cy for its Botox me-too drug in PhI­II Eu­ro­pean/Cana­di­an tri­als

Com­ing off the heels of a $80 mil­lion IPO to push its wrin­kle-re­duc­ing drug to­wards the mar­ket, Evo­lus is trot­ting out da­ta from a late-stage tri­al that com­pares its prod­uct to Botox.

The com­pa­ny’s in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al drug, prabot­u­lin­mu­tox­i­nA 900 kilo­dal­ton (kDa) neu­ro­mod­u­la­tor, met its pri­ma­ry end­points of non-in­fe­ri­or­i­ty to Botox at day 30 in pa­tients with mod­er­ate to se­vere glabel­lar lines (frown lines).

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