Eye­ing RNAi po­ten­tial in can­cer and fi­bro­sis, trans-Pa­cif­ic biotech Sir­naomics lines up $47M Se­ries C

With sup­port from a syn­di­cate that speaks to its ex­ten­sive Chi­na ties, Gaithers­burg, MD-based Sir­naomics has raised an ad­di­tion­al $22 mil­lion to close out its C round.

As its name sug­gests, the biotech is fo­cused on all things re­lat­ed to small in­ter­fer­ing RNA (siR­NA), the key mol­e­cule mR­NA si­lenc­ing. Pop­u­lar­ized by Al­ny­lam, which scored the field’s first FDA ap­proval, siR­NA kicks off ac­tion in the RNA-in­duced si­lenc­ing com­plex, which then goes on to cleave a spe­cif­ic mR­NA, there­by down­reg­u­lat­ing tar­get genes.

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