Fasen­ra shows pos­i­tive PhI­II topline da­ta for nasal polyps, tight­en­ing race with GSK's Nu­cala

The high­ly con­test­ed res­pi­ra­to­ry field just got even tighter Thurs­day.

As­traZeneca re­vealed topline da­ta for a Phase III tri­al Thurs­day eval­u­at­ing its Fasen­ra asth­ma ther­a­py in a new in­di­ca­tion — chron­ic rhi­nos­i­nusi­tis with nasal polyps. The British drug­mak­er said the drug met both co-pri­ma­ry end­points in pa­tients who did not see im­prove­ment on the stan­dard of care, re­duc­ing the size of nasal polyps and im­prov­ing nasal block­age.

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