FDA tells Sprout Phar­ma, like it or not the black box on Ad­dyi stays, but we will di­lute the warn­ing

When the con­tro­ver­sial first drug for low sex­u­al de­sire in women was fi­nal­ly grant­ed ap­proval in 2015, crit­ics ac­cused the FDA of bow­ing to pres­sure from ad­vo­cates by sanc­tion­ing the use of a drug that was found to be mar­gin­al­ly ef­fec­tive in clin­i­cal tri­als, and dan­ger­ous when tak­en with al­co­hol. On Thurs­day, the agency re­buked the mak­er of the drug, Ad­dyi, by re­fus­ing to en­ter­tain the com­pa­ny’s quest to dis­card the black box warn­ing car­ried by the treat­ment, but agreed to damp­en the strong warn­ing on the ba­sis of post­mar­ket­ing da­ta.

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