Gene edit­ing up­start backed by Broad star Feng Zhang nabs $135M, blue­print­ing a plat­form biotech for the long haul

Im­age: John Evans. BEAM

Last May, when Beam Ther­a­peu­tics had its com­ing out par­ty, com­plete with $87 mil­lion in in­vest­ment back­ing, a sol­id core of 15 staffers and a dream team of sci­en­tif­ic co-founders, CEO John Evans was sure they were set for sev­er­al years of R&D work.

But that’s not the way it played out. 

At a time when the mon­ey spig­ot is wide open for the right biotech plans and teams, Beam is an­nounc­ing that it went back to the ven­ture well to flesh out its syn­di­cate and added a whop­ping $135 mil­lion mon­ster round to the bank. That core team has swelled to 70, with more hires on the way as the ex­ec­u­tive team pre­pares to host a staff of 130. And Evans says they are well on their way to cre­at­ing a pipeline of pro­grams be­gin­ning with the 10 pre­clin­i­cal ef­forts they have un­der­way in new­ly opened labs.

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