Jong Lee, Day Zero CEO (via Day Zero website)

Ge­nomics + ma­chine learn­ing = com­pa­ny's strat­e­gy to speed up hos­pi­tal di­ag­nos­tics and iden­ti­fy an­tibi­ot­ic re­sis­tance

Day Ze­ro Di­ag­nos­tics has been fo­cused on com­bin­ing genome se­quenc­ing and ma­chine learn­ing to di­ag­nose in­fec­tious dis­eases. And now the di­ag­nos­tics play­er has net­ted its biggest fi­nanc­ing round yet.

Com­pa­ny ex­ecs an­nounced ear­li­er this week that the biotech net­ted $21 mil­lion in a ven­ture eq­ui­ty fi­nanc­ing round lead by Sands Cap­i­tal. Oth­er in­vestors tagged on as well, in­clud­ing the back­ing of big med-tech com­pa­ny BD (Bec­ton, Dick­in­son and Com­pa­ny) and Hongk­ou Cap­i­tal as new in­vestors.

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