GSK R&D vet Rus­so jumps to Genen­ta, takes a lead role in de­vel­op­ing a new gene ther­a­py

GSK vet Car­lo Rus­so is join­ing up with some of his for­mer gene ther­a­py col­leagues, tak­ing the chief med­ical of­fi­cer’s role at Mi­lan-based Genen­ta Sci­ence.

Rus­so is com­ing over di­rect­ly from Ad­verum, but ear­li­er worked at GSK as head of R&D for their rare dis­ease unit. Rus­so and Genen­ta co-founder Lui­gi Nal­di­ni had crossed paths be­fore at the San Raf­faele Hos­pi­tal in Mi­lan, a pi­o­neer in gene ther­a­py. A col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween San Raf­faele and GSK led to the ap­proval of Strimvelis last year, which is look­ing to be­come used in Eu­rope for a rare dis­ease called ADA-SCID (se­vere com­bined im­mun­od­e­fi­cien­cy due to adeno­sine deam­i­nase de­fi­cien­cy.)

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