Emma Walmsley (GSK via YouTube)

GSK's Em­ma Walm­s­ley award­ed £8.4M pay pack­age af­ter £2.5M rise, fi­nal­ly catch­ing up with fel­low phar­ma CEOs

When Em­ma Walm­s­ley was first ap­point­ed as Glax­o­SmithK­line’s first woman CEO in 2017, the 25% dis­crep­an­cy be­tween her salary and that of her pre­de­ces­sor, An­drew Wit­ty, drew a few head­lines. Af­ter three years at the helm, her salary re­mains pret­ty much the same at £1.1 mil­lion — but a hand­some £5.1 mil­lion in per­for­mance bonus­es has helped trig­ger a £2.5 mil­lion pay rise over the last year.

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