GSK’s vac­cines group — in­clud­ing R&D — faces heavy job cuts in lat­est re­struc­tur­ing

Em­ma Walm­s­ley

GSK’s top ex­ec­u­tives stayed mum yes­ter­day on the lo­ca­tion and num­ber of lay­offs like­ly to oc­cur as the phar­ma gi­ant in­te­grat­ed their vac­cine R&D ops with the phar­ma side of the busi­ness. But it’s clear now that the ax will fall hard on the Eu­ro­pean vac­cine group, with 935 jobs on the chop­ping block in Bel­gium and many more ru­mored cuts un­der dis­cus­sion.

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