Dominik Schumacher, Tubulis co-founder and CEO

How do you pack 20 years of ADC learn­ings in­to one com­pa­ny? Tubu­lis has $63M more to an­swer that

More than two decades have passed since the first an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate went on the mar­ket. But ac­cord­ing to a biotech start­up out of Ger­many, the space is re­al­ly just be­gin­ning to flour­ish.

And if Tubu­lis gets its way, it will play a big part in de­sign­ing the AD­Cs that will be de­ployed in can­cer treat­ments of to­mor­row.

An­dera Part­ners led a new $63 mil­lion (€60 mil­lion) in­to the com­pa­ny, which brought new in­vestors Evotec and Fund+ in­to the syn­di­cate, join­ing Bay­ern Kap­i­tal, Bio­Med­Part­ners, co­par­i­on, High-Tech Grün­der­fonds, OC­CI­DENT and Sev­en­ture Part­ners.

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