Steve Pearson, ICER president (Jeff Rumans)

ICER: Mer­ck­'s Covid-19 pill does­n't show 'net health ben­e­fit' but price is rea­son­able

The In­sti­tute for Clin­i­cal and Eco­nom­ic Re­view, a phar­ma drug pric­ing watch­dog, re­cent­ly dug in­to the da­ta on three Covid-19 ther­a­peu­tics, vot­ing 11-2 that there is not enough ev­i­dence to demon­strate a “net health ben­e­fit” for Mer­ck’s pill mol­nupi­ravir over symp­to­matic care of Covid-19 alone. But Pfiz­er’s Paxlovid and the re­pur­posed gener­ic drug flu­vox­am­ine re­ceived more fa­vor­able votes.

Al­though the num­bers of deaths in the piv­otal tri­als for both the Pfiz­er and Mer­ck pills were too small to draw firm con­clu­sions, ICER said in its fi­nal re­port that at their cur­rent ne­go­ti­at­ed prices, Mer­ck’s mol­nupi­ravir and Pfiz­er’s Paxlovid, or flu­vox­am­ine’s gener­ic price, “ap­pear—at this time—to have prices rea­son­ably aligned with pa­tient ben­e­fits. To the de­gree that hos­pi­tal­iza­tion from mild-mod­er­ate Covid-19 is re­duced with the Omi­cron (or fu­ture) vari­ant, and to the de­gree these treat­ments are used in low­er-risk pop­u­la­tions, in­clud­ing pa­tients with full vac­ci­na­tion, their cost ef­fec­tive­ness would be re­duced.”

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