James Sabry, Roche global head of pharma partnering

ICY­MI: James Sabry just signed off on a land­mark first for Roche's deal­mak­ing crew

James Sabry’s BD team at Roche has a long track record in hunt­ing the globe for new biotech deals. But they’ve nev­er jour­neyed in­to Chi­na be­fore to ink a world­wide de­vel­op­ment and com­mer­cial­iza­tion pact with a Chi­na-based biotech on an ex­per­i­men­tal med.

Un­til this week.

As Max Gel­man re­port­ed yes­ter­day, Roche front­ed a new al­liance with Chi­na’s Jem­incare with $60 mil­lion in cash and $590 mil­lion in mile­stones for world­wide com­mer­cial rights to an oral an­dro­gen re­cep­tor de­grad­er. The deal it­self is fair­ly typ­i­cal of an ear­ly-stage al­liance around a promis­ing treat­ment. The Shang­hai-based biotech is large­ly un­known out­side Chi­na, but this is a clas­sic high-risk, mod­est up­front pact that Roche rou­tine­ly inks.

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