Pete Salzmann, Immunovant

Im­muno­vant flash­es se­cret da­ta be­hind po­ten­tial Roivant buy­out, but in­vestors see a dif­fi­cult fu­ture

The “non-pub­lic in­for­ma­tion” that made Roivant want to ac­quire their trou­bled Im­muno­vant spin­out at a po­ten­tial­ly sub­stan­tial pre­mi­um just be­came pub­lic. But nei­ther in­vestors nor an­a­lysts agreed with Roivant’s spin on the da­ta, sell­ing off shares of $IMVT by near­ly 40% Thurs­day

Im­muno­vant an­nounced Tues­day that they saw a path for­ward for bring­ing their lead and on­ly drug back in­to de­vel­op­ment, af­ter safe­ty is­sues forced the com­pa­ny to pause its on­ly two ac­tive tri­als over the win­ter. They now plan to launch a piv­otal tri­al for the rare dis­ease myas­the­nia gravis by ear­ly 2022, while adding three mid-stage stud­ies for oth­er au­toim­mune dis­or­ders.

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