In a first, Re­gen­eron's an­ti­body cock­tail re­duces deaths for a sub­group of hos­pi­tal­ized Covid-19 pa­tients

Sci­en­tists have come up with the first ev­i­dence that Re­gen­eron’s an­ti­body cock­tail, which has so far on­ly been au­tho­rized for the out­pa­tient set­ting, may re­duce deaths of hos­pi­tal­ized Covid-19 pa­tients — al­beit on­ly a sub­set.

The com­bi­na­tion of casiriv­imab and imde­vimab is the sub­ject of the lat­est da­ta cut from RE­COV­ERY, the large-scale UK-based tri­al test­ing a va­ri­ety of po­ten­tial treat­ments. In to­tal, 9,785 pa­tients hos­pi­tal­ized with Covid-19 were en­rolled in this arm of the study and were ran­dom­ly as­signed to re­ceive ei­ther usu­al care plus the in­tra­venous com­bo or usu­al care alone.

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