Brian O'Callaghan, ObsEva CEO

In af­ter­math of lead drug im­plo­sion, Ob­sE­va's re­struc­tur­ing claims 70% of its staffers — reach­ing in­to the C-suite

Af­ter run­ning in­to a ma­jor road­block at the FDA for its uter­ine fi­broid drug and see­ing its shares evis­cer­at­ed, Ob­sE­va flagged plans for “mass dis­missal” as part of a whole­sale re­struc­tur­ing un­der a court-ap­point­ed ad­min­is­tra­tor to get back on track.

We now know that means let­ting go of 70% of its em­ploy­ees.

In an up­date on the re­vamp, Ob­sE­va — which is fac­ing a delist­ing threat from Nas­daq — not­ed that it plans to com­plete the ter­mi­na­tions in Q4 and shave $7.6 mil­lion off its an­nu­al ex­pens­es. Kat­ja Buhrer, who on­ly joined in Feb­ru­ary as chief strat­e­gy of­fi­cer, will be among those to ex­it.

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