Is Roche's pRED fi­nal­ly ready to step out from be­hind Genen­tech for its close­up? Prob­a­bly not

The view from John Car­roll

It’s been close to 5 years since John Reed jumped from San­ford-Burn­ham to be­come the head of Roche’s Basel-based pRED or­ga­ni­za­tion. And on­ly now is the big drug re­search group he leads get­ting a close­up af­ter years spent watch­ing his col­leagues at gRED — Genen­tech — steal the show with a string of block­buster hits.

The old pRED was shred­ded when Roche an­nounced in the sum­mer of 2012 that it would shut­ter its big R&D cam­pus in Nut­ley, NJ and move a group of sur­vivors in­to Man­hat­tan. The re­or­ga­ni­za­tion, like any such R&D or­ga­ni­za­tion, Reed told me in 2013, was pure “poi­son” for the group, vow­ing to stick with a re­search strat­e­gy and avoid any more such trau­mat­ic dis­rup­tions.

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