Is tech mon­ey bad for busi­ness? Sil­i­con Val­ley cash makes some bio­phar­ma VCs bris­tle, oth­ers cheer

The view from Brit­tany Meil­ing

The emer­gence of new play­ers dab­bling in bio­phar­ma mon­ey has been the sub­ject of gid­dy (and some­times omi­nous) ob­ser­va­tions dur­ing fi­nan­cial boom times. As tech in­vestors, fam­i­ly of­fices, and oth­er rel­a­tive newbs to the space clam­ber to join bio­phar­ma deals, some in the in­dus­try aren’t cer­tain the new­com­ers are good for busi­ness.

The top­ic arose dur­ing a pan­el dis­cus­sion I at­tend­ed last week at Bio­com’s an­nu­al part­ner­ing con­fer­ence in San Diego. The pan­el — about the “fu­ture of ven­ture in­vest­ing” — in­clud­ed speak­ers from Or­biMed, Ven­rock, Lil­ly Ven­tures, Sanofi’s ven­ture arm Sun­rise, and Do­main As­so­ciates.

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